
Showing posts from April, 2023

Five Books That Every Entrepreneur Must-Read

 Five Books That Every Entrepreneur Must-Read Here is the list of the top 5 books with short summaries that every aspiring entrepreneur must read to start and grow his/her business; The Lean Start-up by Eric Ries Short Summary: In this book Eric Ries teaches the scientific approach to creating and managing startups. The lean start-up 'philosophy helps start-ups move faster', Wall Street Journal.                                                           Get Book!  Zero to One by Peter Theil  Short Summary: Theil is the most successful entrepreneur and business leader. Zero to One tells the principles of creating and managing start-up companies. The book's main lesson is that a successful start-up should create a unique and valuable product for customers.                                                         Get Book!    Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill   Short Summary: Hill reveals the 13 principles in his book to get rich. He interviewed 500 successful businessmen and

The Key Lessons from "The One Thing": Unlocking Big Success through Focused Living

"Unlocking Extraordinary Results: The ONE Thing Book Summary and Insights" Book summary in one sentence. "Focus on one thing to get extraordinary results in personal, professional, and spiritual life." The One Thing is the New York Times best-seller self-help book by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. It reveals that the key to success lies in focusing on One Thing at a time. the most successful people spend their entire lives focusing only on One Thing. It may be playing a game, writing, coding, designing, acting, etc.  The key lessons that I have learned from The One Thing: Big success comes when we do only a few small things well. Everything does not matter equally. Some things are more important than others, therefore deserve more focus, attention, and time. 80/20 pc rule or Pareto's principle states that 80 pc of the desired results come from 20 pc efforts that are on the right things. Take the 80/20pc principle to an extreme. Narrow down your to-do list and sele